Anchor Marine Repair Blog

Lund Boat Refurbishing

Lund Boat RefurbishingLund boats have been around since 1948. These aluminum and fiberglass boats offer unbeatable performance and strength that makes any boater’s heart hum. They build this boat to perform, and it has a unique hull design for that very reason. Lund boats are built with quality construction, so when something needs to be replaced, you want that same quality build. At Anchor Marine Repair, we offer refurbishing services for Lund brand boats for residents and water enthusiasts in Minnesota. Read Full Post


Lund Fishing Boat Repair MN

Aluminum Boat RepairIs your favorite pastime fishing?  If so, there is no doubt where you would like to spend any free time that you have — out on the water.  Lund fishing boats are extremely popular, high quality and highly regarded fiberglass fishing boats, used by many avid boaters in the Minnesota area.  But, when your Lund boat gets damaged, either from the weather, a collision or just normal wear and tear, you want to put your prize possession in the best hands possible. Anchor Marine Repair is Minnesota’s #1 storm and collision boat repair company in the area and will take great care of your Lund fishing boat so you can get back out on the water as soon as possible. Read Full Post


No Mechanical Repairs

We provide fiberglass & aluminum boat damage repair, painting, and refinishing. We do not have any mechanics on staff, and cannot provide any mechanical repairs or quotes. This includes things like trailer brakes and wheel bearings. These items should be taken to a certified mechanic.

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