Anchor Marine Repair Blog

Repairing Boat Transoms

Repairing Boat TransomsThe transom of a powerboat is the strongest part of the vessel. It must transmit the full power of the engine to the rest of the hull, as well as carry the pounding of the hull back to the engine. The great forces exerted between the engine and the hull come to a focus at the transom. This is the single most important part of an outboard boat, yet for some reason, it takes more abuse than any other part. Eventually a transom will succumb to its abuse and weaken to the point that your boat is not seaworthy. Do not let this happen to your boat! If you see any signs of the boat transom getting week, stop driving your boat and get it fixed…. Read Full Article →


Professional Transom Repair Services

Professional Transom Repair ServicesTransom repair service facilities like Anchor Marine Repair in Delano, Minnesota offer invaluable support when it comes to boating. Their exceptional transom repair services help provide support and stability to the vessel while helping prevent accidents or water intrusion from damaging transoms further down the line. Through this article we’ll examine both their expertise as well as why trusting them with your transom repair needs makes good business sense…. Read Full Article →


Transom Repair

Transom RepairIf you are an avid boat owner, you already know that the transom is the strongest part of your boat, and is responsible for both transmitting power from the engine to the rest of the hull and for carrying the pounding of the hull back to the engine. The transom is a critically important part of your outboard boat, and, unfortunately, over time it can really take a beating. This wear and tear eventually causes serious weakening that can leave you sidelined this season. Anchor Marine Repair is a leading US boat repair shop that can complete transom repair for all types of boats Read Full Post


Transom Repair Minneapolis

Minnesota Transom Boat RepairsEvery part of your boat needs to be in proper working condition to run well, but what about the way your boat looks? And when is it time to say “enough” to exterior damage that could begin to affect the performance of your boat? At Anchor Marine Repair, we like to think that each part of your boat should be in as good a condition as possible, and that’s why we provide full-boat repairs for every part of your boat and for a wide variety of boat brands. That includes making transom repairs. If you’re looking for a Minneapolis, MN transom repair shop, Anchor Marine Repair is the solution. With a talented and experienced boat repair team, we can provide full-service boat repairs for mechanical and aesthetic refurbishment and repair, and we prioritize every job we get. Just as each of our customers is unique, so too are their boats, and we treat every person and boat we meet with respect and care. For a Minneapolis transom repair shop you can trust and count on to make high-quality transom repairs, come to our boat repair team, and leave knowing that your boat will look and run several times better than it did when it arrived. Read Full Post


No Mechanical Repairs

We provide fiberglass & aluminum boat damage repair, painting, and refinishing. We do not have any mechanics on staff, and cannot provide any mechanical repairs or quotes. This includes things like trailer brakes and wheel bearings. These items should be taken to a certified mechanic.

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