Anchor Marine Repair Blog

End-of-Season Watercraft Damage Assessments

End-of-Season Watercraft Damage AssessmentsAs the sun sets on another memorable boating season, it’s time to shift gears and prepare your beloved vessel for the impending winter. One of the most critical aspects of this transition is performing a thorough damage assessment on your boat. At Anchor Marine Repair in Delano, MN, we understand the significance of this crucial step in maintaining your boat’s longevity and ensuring a smooth start to the next boating season. In this blog post, we’ll explore the essential process of damage assessment and why it should be an integral part of your end-of-season routine. After all…if something is wrong with your boat, now is the … Read Full Article →


Boat Repair After Impact, Storm Or Wear And Tear

Storm Damage Boat Repair FastOn an old TV show from the 1960s, a man and his son are shown out on a lake in a boat, enjoying the day fishing. To add a bit of comedy to the show, the pair discovers that their little rowboat has a leak. They scramble to shore before sinking and end up with nothing more than wet shoes and pant legs. Of course, if something like this happens in real life, we might not be so quick to see the humor in the situation. As boating season approaches, it is time to make the necessary repairs to ensure that our boats are ready for the water. … Read Full Article →


Repairing Aluminum Boats In Delano MN

Repairing Aluminum Boats In Delano, MNBefore you store your boat for the winter, it’s essential to inspect for potential aluminum damage. Untreated aluminum damage can lead to larger issues and may even prevent you from being covered by insurance. Anchor Marine Repair is the go-to aluminum boat body shop in Minnetonka (MN). Aluminum boats have earned a reputation for their strength and durability; some even go so far as to call them indestructible! Though this might be an exaggeration, aluminum boats remain popular due to their durability. Boat owners are drawn to aluminum vessels due to their strength and stability. … Read Full Article →


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We provide fiberglass & aluminum boat damage repair, painting, and refinishing. We do not have any mechanics on staff, and cannot provide any mechanical repairs or quotes.

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