Anchor Marine Repair Blog

Affordable Jet Ski Repairs In Minneapolis MN

Affordable Jet Ski Repairs In Minneapolis, MNWith an abundance of lakes around the Minneapolis, MN area, there’s no reason why you shouldn’t have your jet ski out and ready to take on the beautiful views of these beautiful lakes. If you are like many other jet ski owners and your personal jet ski is in need of collision repairs before you can get back out on the water, our team at Anchor Marine Repair is here to help. Don’t waste another day leaving your jet ski damaged. Instead, take advantage of our affordable jet ski repair options…. Read Full Article →


Wave Runner Repair and Storage

Wave Runner Repair and StorageYour wave runner is built for fun on the water. It offers you and your family an exciting and exhilarating ride on the beautiful local waterways. It is also a large investment that you want to protect.  When your wave runner needs to be repaired or it is time to store it for the winter months, Anchor Marine Repair can help. We are a one stop shop for wave runner repair and storage. Our team Read Full Post


Wave Runner Repair Shop

Minneapolis/St Paul Jet Ski StorageWith any expensive investment that you make, you only want experienced and proven individuals working on the item when it is damaged. Cutting corners to save a little money in the short run may end up costing you exceptionally more money down the road. Getting your wave runner repaired is no exception. If your wave runner is in bad shape and needs some repairs before you put it back out on the water, choosing the right boat repair shop is critical. At Anchor Marine Repair, we take pride in offering our customers the total package when it comes to wave runner repairs. Between our experienced repair team, top notch repair shop and quality equipment, we can be your one stop repair shop for all of your repair needs. Read Full Post


Jet Ski Repair St. Paul

Jetskie Repair ShopHere at Anchor Marine our goal is to enhance your time on the 10,000 lakes of Minnesota by offering quality jet ski repair. Anchor Marine performs all types of jet ski body repairs. We can replace traction mats, install new seat skins and other minor cosmetic repairs. Our repair technicians are highly skilled and have earned the respect of Jet Ski owners and insurance companies alike. Read Full Post


Jet Ski Repair St Paul MN

Damaged Jetski Repairs MNIf you’re a “do-it-yourself” person and like to tinker with your own vehicle repairs or repair projects around the house, you might be tempted to take up Jet Ski repairs as well. Unfortunately, Jet Skis are incredibly complicated machines, and they’re particularly difficult to make repairs on because of their size and the parts needed to make repairs. Even at some boat or Jet Ski repair shops, you might find that your Jet Ski brand isn’t commonly worked on, which means that you run the risk of spending exorbitant amounts of money on Jet Ski repairs simply because they are complex. Often times, Jet Skis are repaired in specialty Jet Ski repair shops, often working with specific brands, or perhaps one brand only. You might even consider taking your Jet Ski to a brand name repair shop so that you can be sure that you’ll get the parts and services you need. However, Anchor Marine Repair can offer you an alternative St. Paul, MN Jet Ski repair solution; our boat and Jet Ski repair shop, experienced in servicing a wide range of Jet Ski brands, including the major brand names. Read Full Post


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We provide fiberglass & aluminum boat damage repair, painting, and refinishing. We do not have any mechanics on staff, and cannot provide any mechanical repairs or quotes. This includes things like trailer brakes and wheel bearings. These items should be taken to a certified mechanic.

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